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Better Than Never Blog Hop

Author, Dana Griffin, tagged me in the Next Big Thing Blog Hop. He did this awhile ago. Too long ago for his liking. My lackadaisical response might have prompted him to swear off my friendship while chambering the Springfield XD he wishes I bought him for Christmas. But before he fingers the trigger, I’ll point out that he has successfully separated me from my all-absorbing Kindle. What an accomplishment! Not even the lamenting cries of my neglected children can pull me away from my obsessive need to read.

So, you have my attention, Mr Griffin, to answer your damn questions.

What is the working title of your book? Beneath the Burn

Where did the idea come from for the book? I was at a Tool concert, trying to envision reasons why Maynard Keenan was compelled to sing his entire set from an unlit corner behind the drum kit. Captivated by his strange behavior, I made up a depraved fictional story about his childhood in my head. Eventually, my imaginings became tangible, formed the bones of an outline, and swelled into Jay Mayard–the tormented and complex rockstar hero in Beneath the Burn.

What genre does your book fall under? Romantic Thriller

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie?

Chris Hemsworth as Jay Mayard 

Blake Lively as Charlee Grosky 

What is a one sentence synopsis of your book? In a celebrity world filled with paparazzi, groupies, and parties, Jay and Charlee must battle their pasts before it destroys them.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency/publisher? Self-pub all the way, baby. I answer to no one!

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? If everyone would just leave me alone, it would be finished by now. Jeesh!

All right, kidding. I have only my reading addiction to blame. I WILL have the first draft finished by April, dammit! To be published August 2013.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Every rock-n-roll romance out there. ‘Course, this one has blood and shock-suspense and a really violent villain.

Who or What inspired you to write this book? This has-been groupie spent half a decade following one of the best grunge bands to grind and chord through the Midwest (Oh, and I eventually married the vocalist). Band practices, recording sessions, and all-night venues, my time embedded with the band and their followers awarded me endless memories and inspiration for this book.

What else about your book might interest the reader? Sex, drugs, guns, torture, murder, and rock-n-roll. Don’t be greedy. What the hell else do you want?

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